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or, A collection of poems. Written between the ages of twelve and seventeen, by J. H. L. Hunt ... Fourth Edition

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LINES TO MISS S**** H****,


When from the billowy bosom of the main
The Queen of Love arose in all her charms;
Th' admiring sea-nymphs woke the silver strain,
And prais'd her damask cheek and iv'ry arms.


To you, fair maid, if aught my humble song
Avail the passage of thy heart to find;
Charms yet still sweeter than of love belong,
The mild, the heav'nly beauties of the mind.
And oh, if stormy Ocean could rejoice,
When Love beam'd smiling from the wat'ry gloom,
How must the youth, the partner of thy choice,
Enjoy the charms that in a H--- bloom.
Cordelia's sense, Emilia's sprightly wit,
Both in thy breast in one soft chain unite;
In thee, what most the modest maiden fit,
All that can win, and all that can delight.
Still, still may Peace, with whom no cares intrude,
For ever cherish'd in thy bosom lie;
And lively Health, the riches of the good,
Bloom on thy cheek, and sparkle in thine eye.
Not brighter treasure can Golconda boast,
Nor high Peru with all her bosom'd store:
With them, how sweet, to busy life when lost,
And rich in him you love, to want no more!