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New poems

by Katharine Tynan

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I saw the ewes lying,
Their lambs bleating and crying,
Poor lambs, weary of travel, on the green sod—
Sore-foot, crying and bleating,
Each sweet to its sweeting,
And thought of another Lamb, the Lamb of God.
In the sweet May so tender,
With trees in their new splendour,
I heard a lamb cry for its milky dam,
With a low bleat and weary,
As one dear to its dearie—
And thought on another Lamb—dear Mary's Lamb.
Each lamb beside its mother,
Its own, not any other,
Comforted with her milk lay sweetly at rest—
Full fed and safe from harm,
As a child in the mother's arm—
I thought of a downy head at Mary's breast.


I saw the lambs playing,
No darling lost or straying,
About their mothers on the dewy heath,
Amid the daisies and clover,
Each small love by its lover.—
I thought of Mary's boy in Nazareth.
A lamb so soft and curled.
Oh, sweetest Name in the world!
The Child, the Son, the Lamb; oh heavenly Name!
That holds in its completeness
All lovely things and sweetness—
The Holy Spirit's thought for the Son,—God's Lamb!