University of Virginia Library



Night's in the wood now, in poplars and larches,
Sycamore and chestnut, till the dawn shall wake.
Who is he goes shouting through the fairy arches?
Who is this brawler by bush and brake?
Oh, this is the Blackbird. He will not be quiet,
He wakes the wedding-couches in the old madcap way.
“Good-night and good-night now!” With laughter and riot
He sets the nests to twitter in the twilight grey.
“Good-night and good-night now!” Oh, rascal, give over!
Tits and linnets answer with a sleepy call.
“Once more a jolly good-night now to every lass and lover!”
The sleepy wood is stirring to hear him brawl.
Dark is the wood now: the birds should be sleeping;
Thrushes, finches, dreaming till the break of day.
And still the rogue, Blackbird, the wood awake is keeping,
Shouting “Good-night, now!” in the old mad-cap way.