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The press, or literary chit-chat

A Satire [by J. H. Reynolds]

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The government yclept Bas-Bleusian,
Though not exactly Rosicrusian,
Is something like it, only mixt with
Laws such as Englishmen are lick'd with.
But 'tis not now my sage intention
Of laws and senates to make mention;
I merely mean as with a tongue to
Define some members of the junto.
Of course there was a party “out,”
Who with the “ins” oft made a rout,
Indeed, 'twould be ridiculous
To prove a thing so obvious.
There were, too, as in other regions,
A few who leagued not with these legions,


Either because their minds went farther
In depth than either did, or rather
They thought they sooner thus their wishes
Might gain of getting loaves and fishes.