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The Athenians' magnanimity towards Dorieus was even surpassed in the same year by the Spartan admiral Kallikratidas, a noble exception among his countrymen, who, having taken certain Athenians prisoners of war in Lesbos, set them all at liberty, declaring that he would never keep Hellenes in bondage.

A few months afterwards Kallikratidas was killed, leading his fleet at the great battle of Arginusæ.

I strive with Athens but to win once more
Her equal sword among the guardian band
Of powers Hellenic for the Hellenic land.
Brothers, bear back this message to her door.
There lies the foe eternal, there the war
Holy and just.” He pointed with his hand
Eastward to Susa, o'er the Mysian strand
And sinuous bays of that ill-trusted shore.


O heart heroic, Sparta's noblest son,
At what a height thy soaring spirit burns
Star-like, and floods thy kind with quickening fire!
Too soon, great heart, thy generous race is run,
Too soon the scattered night of hate returns,
And dark Lysander's unrelenting ire.