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War Lyrics

dedicated to the friends of the dead. By A. and L. Shore. Second edition, with additions

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Young standard-bearer! whom, with mournful pride,
Wearing henceforward on her heart thy name,
England now welcomes to her lists of fame—
Oh! to sublimest manhood glorified,
How my heart sees thee on the wild hill-side,
Like war's bright angel in the furious game,
Waving those colours high o'er steel and flame,
Cheering the brave to death, and dying as they died!
At home that day what millions knelt in prayer!
The far-off thunder drowned not the church bell,
And they who loved thee were all kneeling there,
Nor knew the moment when their hero fell—
Beauteous and brave, brave as the bravest were,
And mourned more bitterly than words can tell.
L. December, 1854.