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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” —Genesis, xxviii. 12.

Why are such splendid glimpses given no more,
Such dreams by night, such visitants by day,
As blest the patriarchs and the seers of yore,
Cheering the pilgrim on his heaven-ward way?
Oh! were our eye anointed and unseal'd
The wonders of redeeming grace to view,
Our mental vision would behold reveal'd
Glories beyond what seers or patriarchs knew.
What though bright glimpses of angelic things
At times might grace the old world's early prime,
Not then had risen, with healing on its wings,
The Sun of Righteousness in light sublime.
Our day and dispensation would make known
Visions as glorious, truths sublimer far,
And hope would render them through faith our own,
Did not our worldliness devotion mar.


Surpassing all the holy patriarch dream'd
Of steps of light by hosts angelic trod,
Would be the beauty of a heart redeem'd,
A heart the temple of the living God.
To such the house of God, the gate of heaven,
Is limited to no peculiar spot,
At Bethel, or at Marah proof is given
Their Lord is with them when they know it not.