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On the much lamented death of the gallant Prince Henry, eldest son of King James the First.

Whose shining qualifications rendered him the admiration of all Europe, and the darling hope of his own Countrymen.


Weep your loss, the gallant Henry
Rests with icy death,
Wan his cheek and pale as may be,
Mute his gentle breath:
Henry sleeps in death.
Weep your Prince, our Country's glory,
Slumb'ring in the Tomb.
May each heart bemoan the story!
Early was his doom;
Lo, he's in the Tomb.


Ever honor's will obeying,
Henry knew no fear,
From bright virtue never straying,
To his Country dear,
Henry claims the tear.
Now above, his God attending,
Blissful is he there;
May our worth to heaven ascending
Claiming God's bless'd care
One day waft us there!