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The stripling Robert, good and brave,
Holds in his hand a bare-drawn glaive,
And on the altar of the Lord,
He lays it with this earnest word:
“I swear to thee, O fatherland!
With naked sword in clenchèd hand,
On this thy consecrated shrine,
Still to the death to be sincerely thine.
“I swear with heart and mind to be
Thy honest servant, Liberty!
Body and soul, through all life's span,
For thou art the sublimest good of Man.


“I swear a bloody, burning, hate,
And scorn, whose depth can ne'er abate,
To Gallic guile and Gallic band,
That they may never shame our German land.
“And Thou, whose high coercing sway
Heaven's Suns and earthly hearts obey,
Thou mighty God! stand by my oath,
Be thou the guardian of my faithful troth.
“That I, from lie and treache'ry pure,
May be thy Lieger true and sure,—
And that this brand may never pause
In the high duty of a righteous cause.
“And if against my fatherland
And God I draw it, then this hand
Be dust, this arm be withered cold,
And be this hilt a hundred-weight to hold!”
Oh! no, oh! no, for ever no!
No caitiff thought will Robert know,—
To God the Lord this oath is given,
Honour and Virtue lighten him to heaven.