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A Tragedy in Five Acts, and Other Poems. By Herman Charles Merivale

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God of the steed and the spear and the Ocean,
Speed thou our barks o'er the wandering foam;
Steer us by reef, and by headland and island,
Outward and onward, and inward and home;
Hail to thee, Neptune! great Neptune, all hail!
Shaker of Earth and upheaver of Water,
Father of Triton and brother of Jove,
Thou at whose bidding Troy rose as a palm-tree,
Under whose branches her warriors strove,
Hail to thee, Neptune! great Neptune, all hail!
Saturn begat thee, and Saturn devoured thee,
But to restore thee to mystical birth;
Neptune some style thee, some call thee Poseidon,
Many thy names as the races of Earth:
Hail to thee, Neptune! great Neptune, all hail!
Deep in the sea lies thy palace at Ægæ,
Whence thou arisest to ride on the wave,
Yoking thy golden-maned, brazen-hoofed coursers,
Mighty to ruin, but powerful to save;
Hail to thee, Neptune! great Neptune, all hail!


Clouds as thou biddest them gather and scatter,
Come at thy whisper and fly at thy nod;
Look then on us that bow down at thine altars,
King of the Ocean, the Mariners' God!
Hail to thee, Neptune! great Neptune, all hail!