University of Virginia Library



Once there was no heaven
Other than I knew
In the limitless world beyond
The fathomless blue
Of eyes that were wistful and wondrous
And loving and true.
Was the flame too fierce to be lasting?
The setting too rich for the jewel?
Was it pleasant forecasting the glances
Of eyes too kind to be cruel?
Was the setting too rich for the jewel—
(Thy face too fair in the view)?
Was it pleasant, beloved, blasting
A hope that was new
With words—a low murmur of music
On lips too sweet to be true?


The tale is the tale oft told:
Poor theme for a man to bemoan!
The eyes are the ‘wondrous’ eyes of old,
The ‘loving’ heart a heart as cold—
The self-same stone:
And the lips that have lied
Are the lips that sighed
In low sweet undertone.