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Master of the orchard,
Pay me for the pears,
Render for my cherries
Star-delaying airs:
Pouring from the apple
Lyrical delight,
Warm the cheek of Evening,
Touch the heart of Night!
Master of the orchard,
Perching to rejoice,
How the sweet of childhood
Trembles in your voice!
Lo, the narrow garden
Misty at my feet!
Here a camp of crocus,
There a patch of wheat.


Master of the orchard,
Sing for me again
Blossoms of the homeland,
Grasses in the lane:
Sing my cottage cradle,
Sing my mother's eyes,
Sweeter than the dog-rose,
Bluer than the skies.
Master of the orchard,
When again the Spring
Teaches you her ballads,
Gives the glossy wing,
Flit among the branches,
Pipe your jolly airs,
Fluting thanks for cherries,
Paying for the pears.