University of Virginia Library



Come, Mother, bring the baby out,
And let her roll—the grass is dry!
Take off her shoes, and she shall kick
Those pinky toes toward the sky.
The firmament forgive her crime!
And as a sign of love and grace
May God, who holds it, send my child
Her mother's hair, her mother's face!
See, Mary, here's a cherry-tree
To make her eyes grow round and bright;
Oh, how she chatters to the fruit—
The dimpled bundle of delight!
There, sweetheart! See the gaudy cheek,
And see the naughty lurking stone;
And now each juicy half (my word!)
Is Baby Rosebud's very own!


Dear Mother, as I watch this child
Stare upward to the depthless blue,
My spirit, fleeter than the gaze,
Goes up with thanks for her and you.
God, blight my orchard, scourge my friend,
And drive my blackbird from his tree,
But leave this babe for Mary's breast,
And let me tend them both for Thee!