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An English Madonna

By James Hinton [i.e. George Barlow]

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Just as the sun attacks with twenty million archers
That o'er the heavenly road, indomitable marchers,
Tread, on their fiery way;
Just as the sun attacks,—yet one tree's leaves that quiver
In the light summer wind can shield us and deliver
And guard our foreheads from the solar ray:—
Just as the vast sea-wind is powerless, if it meeteth
One tamarisk-hedge, to harm the bellflower that retreateth
Behind the thin green wall
And resteth there as safe, it and the red carnations,
As if no sea-wind sought with fierce fatigueless patience
Upon its blue soft hanging bell to fall:—


So suns and winds and storms are powerless now to harm me.
The armies of the skies have no force to disarm me,
Nor spears of pain and grief,
If only thy white hand be raised to bid them tarry:
Thou hast the eternal power the darts of pain to parry
As the sun's darts glance off one single leaf.
Just as the sun and wind pause at the frail leaves' warning
So all time's armies pause when thou, time's pale self scorning,
Dost step in front of me.
Time, pain, grief, sorrow, death—these all thou hast the power
To banish if they dare set foot within thy bower,
As one bush hurls the sea-wind back to sea.