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An oratorio. Written by Mr. Smart. The Musick composed by Mr. Worgan. As Perform'd at the King's Theatre in the Haymart

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SCENE a Family Sacrifice.
Elkanah, Peninnah, Hannah, Levite, Handmaid to Peninnah, and other Attendants.
Recitative accompany'd.
O hear us for the Remnant that is left,
Almighty Lord and Saviour—hear our Vows
For every Tribe, but chiefly for the House
Of Elkanah thy Servant, who presents
Himself, his Wives and Children at thine Altar,
And asks in Adoration for thy Blessing.

AIR for Acceptance.

The Corruption is so great at the Head of the Priesthood thro' the Vices of Hophni and Phinehas, Sons of Eli, that God is intreated the rather to receive the Service of Private Families.

Far and wide Corruption reigns,
And the Fountain-head distains,
Wherefore what Resource remains
For thy People now?
Lust and Avarice are sped,
And all Publick Spirit's fled—
Hear, O Sovereign great and dread,
Hear the private Vow.


To thy Servants thus appearing,
At thine Altar-give the Hearing,
And our Pray'rs allow.


How canst thou think that God will hear thy Pray'r,
And act Injustice daily—who deserves
Thy Countenance and large Donations—Hannah?
As barren as the Wilderness of Sin,
Or she that bears her annual Bloom and Fruit,
Like Olive-Trees in Eden—base, Ingrate!
Know that the great impartial God of all
Rejects thy Pray'rs as impious and profane.


Every Bird that pipes a Note,
Every Shrub that bears a Bloom,
Thine Unkindnesses upbraid;
Grateful is the Linnet's Throat,
Grateful is the Bay's Perfume,
And to God their Tribute's paid.
But the Monster of our Scorn,
He whom Men and Angels hate,
And ev'n Heathen Schools despise;
(Better had he ne'er been born)
Is that odious base Ingrate,
Who his God and Truth denies.
Thou hast as much from Heav'n as Woman needs,
As much from me as Hannah—save the Dow'ry
So due to her Behaviour—I reward,
But not presume to punish—therefore rail,
And rail in Safety—there's a sweet Musician
Shall fare the better for thy Frowns and Follies.



When Storms affright
The moonless Night,
Till Death the Pilgrim fears;
Some Cot or Cave
He seeks to brave,
The Hurricane he hears.
But oh how sweet
At Home to meet,
With her that loves him best!
The Storm's increase
Augments his Peace,
And rocks him to his Rest.
Wou'd I had Peace to give thee—Best of Men!
But Grief within, and Insult from without
Have thrown my Spirits into Discomposure,
And ruffled all my Bosom—where is Peace?
She dwells not but with Plenty—where is Plenty?
She lives with pregnant Nature, loaded Vines,
And Fields that laugh again with Corn and Olives.


When I send my Thoughts to rove
Tidings of sweet Peace to bring,
Home they come, like Noah's Dove,
Errantless with wearied Wing;
All her Olives now are drown'd,
Not a single Leaf is found.


The Trinkets and the Toys thy Husband gives thee,
With all that Store of Shekels shou'd, methinks,
Dispose thy Soul to sprightlier Sentiments,
And fill thy Heart with Gaiety and Gladness.


Female Tempers ebb and flow,
With the Bounty of their Lovers;
Spirits never are so low,
But a Gift their State recovers.
Sparing Hands and niggard Hearts,
Are the Source of true Dejection;
He that all his Wealth imparts,
Yields Endearment in Perfection.
How long has Licence been allow'd in Israel,
For Handmaids train'd to Silence and Submission!—
Keep thou thy Peace,—and thou, Peninnah, learn
To bear thy Blessing with a better Grace—
Thou, Elkanah, beware of partial Fondness,
And thou, O Hannah, hold thyself content.


Sweeter sleeps the Village Hind
Than the Rulers of Mankind,
But the Son of rough Repose
Neither Taste nor Learning knows.


Clear of Envy or Excess
Some a level State possess,
Tho' from Ignorance disjoin'd
Not by Knowledge much refin'd.
All in due Proportion blest
Have their Fare and take their Rest,
Underneath th'Almighty's Wing,
From the Beggar to the King.
We will endeavour to adjust our Conduct
By thy benign Instructions, and attend
To thy Commandment, O thou Man of God—


O thou whom Fancy sees
Upon her bended Knees,
With Heav'n-directed Eyes
And sweet submissive Guise,
Resting firm on thy Belief,
And contemning Pain and Grief!
The Name that's giv'n to Thee,
O lend thy passive Smile;
Thy meek unstudied Style,
That exampled in thy Ways
Grief may learn to bless and praise.



Where Choristers angelic throng
And to the blest Performers in the Sky,
Hosannah Hallelujah we reply.
End of the Second Act.