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The Fourth ELEGY of the Second Book of Tibullus.

Hic mihi servitium video, dominamque paratam.
Jam mihi libertas illa paterna vale.

I see my Fate— I Own the Tyrant Dame—
Freedom adieu! That vain Paternal Claim.
But Hard's the Bondage that the Slave constrains,
Whom LOVE, like Me, for ever binds in Chains!
Offend, or Merit, equal is my Smart.
Cease, cease thy Tortures; spare a bleeding Heart.
Better, than thus in sad Despair to moan,
Transform'd on some bleak Mountain to a Stone,
Or on the naked Beach a Rock, sustain
The Storms of Heav'n, or Fury of the Main!


My Days no Peace, My Nights no Comfort know.
Each Hour's imbitter'd with the Dew of Woe.
My tender ELEGIES in tuneful Pray'r
Have oft assail'd the unrelenting Fair:
But Deaf to Musick's soft Perswasive Pow'r,
No Charm can melt Her but a Golden Show'r.
Farewell then PHŒBUS, and the Muses' Quire!
'Twas not to Sing of Wars I tun'd my Lyre;
Nor to Describe the Travails of the Sun;
And swift-revolving Labours of the Moon.
One Wish Alone invok'd your sacred Aid
To smooth my Passage to the scornful Maid.
But since Wealth only can Admittance gain,
By Glorious Mischief Riches I'll obtain.
Murther—or Rob—yes Rifle ev'ry Shrine;
And my first Violence, VENUS, be on Thine!
Thou! that Assign'd the mercenary Jilt;
Inspir'd—and Pleas'd beheld the thriving Guilt.
Curst be the Man (His Pride hath Fatal been)
Who first display'd th' Emerald's sprightly Green
The Tyrian Dye, or Coan Bombacine!


These are the Baits that Tempt the Fickle Sex;
And Lovers Joys with Rival Cares Perplex.
Thus Women Learn't (by Truth secur'd Before)
With Dogs to Guard, with Bolts to Lock the Door.
Presents, alas! are Passports still o'course;
No Dogs then Bark, no Bolts resist their Force.
The Plagues are endless that afflict Mankind,
When Heav'n trusts Beauty to a Venal Mind.
Hence Broils ensue; Hence slighted Youths Blaspheme:
Hence CUPID's grown so Infamous a Name.
But may the Wretch who meanly can Despise
For sordid Pelf True Love (the noblest Prize)
See in fierce vengeful Flames her Treasures blaze;
Or Winds disperse the Heaps her Treach'ries raise.
And when she Dies, neglected will she Fall;
By None Regretted, who had Cheated All.
Far diff'rent Fate the gen'rous Nymph attends,
Whom Kindness, and whom Constancy commends.


Belov'd while Young; Esteem'd when past her Bloom;
In Age Rever'd; and Worshipp'd in the Tomb.
Some Good old Man, Remindful of the Charms
That once had made Him Happy in Her Arms,
Yearly shall Visit her Distinguish'd Urn,
Fresh Garlands strow, or Grateful Odours burn.
Just is the Cause—but ah how Vain to Plead!
For LOVE, at last, will have His Laws obey'd.
With all my Spleen (should NEMESIS Command)
Content I'd sell th' old Mansion Seat, and Land.
Nay more, could All the Drugs THESSALIA bore,
Or wild MÆDEA brew'd on PONTUS' Shore,
Be Mix'd together in one baneful Cup,
To gain a Smile from Her, I'd Drink it up.