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KOSMOBREVIA[Greek], or the infancy of the world

With an Appendix of Gods resting day, Edon Garden; Mans Happiness before, Misery after, his Fall. Whereunto is added, The Praise of Nothing; Divine Ejaculations; The four Ages of the world; The Birth of Christ; Also a Century of Historical Applications; With a Taste of Poetical fictions. Written some years since by N. B.[i.e. Nicholas Billingsley] ... And now published at the request of his Friends

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To my good friend Mr. Nicholas Billingsly in Honor of this work, penned by him about the fifteenth yeare of his age.
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To my good friend Mr. Nicholas Billingsly in Honor of this work, penned by him about the fifteenth yeare of his age.

God that did all things out of Nothing raise,
And hath from mouths of Babes ordain'd his praises
When thou wast nothing but a suckling Muse.
The Chaos of a man, he did infuse
His grace so in thy heart, that thou in verse
Didst portray out his glorious universe:
To sing his praises, he did make thy Pen
Distil celesteal Nectar: yea, and when
Thou wert a stripling he did then adorne
Thy fruitful head with th'Amalthean horn.
Thou like another Grand-seir, to each creature
Hast given a name according to its Nature:
Of Trees, Plants, Stones, their secret mysteries
Of Beasts, and Birds thou writest plaine Histories:
Whiles others of thine Age mispent their times
In toys and pastimes, thou in sacred Rhimes
Applid'st thy self to celebrate the praise
Of God that first hath lent unto thee days:
And if such fruit thy tender buds bring forth,
In riper age admir'd shall be thy worth.
Jo: Swan. Cleric.
Ian: 20. 1656.