University of Virginia Library

ODE VI. To Agrippa.

Varius in never-dying Verse,
Equal to Homer's Vein,
Thy Deeds Agrippa, shall rehearse:
Thy Triumphs on the Land and Main.


Whilst I no warlike Subject chuse,
Too lofty for the Lyre:
Nor tell of Pelop's bloody House,
Ulysses' Toils, Achilles' Ire.
How should I raise my flagging Wing
Above the middle Skies,
Of Heroes or of Gods to sing?
Or how to Thee or Cæsar rise?
Who can Mars in Armour dress?
Who Merion's dusty Stains?
Who mighty Diomed express,
Meeting the Gods on Trojan Plains?
Let me describe, in humble Strains,
The Feats that Love has done,
The Battels, Revels, Joys and Pains,
Th' Amours of others and my own.