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[Poems in two Parts]

[by Samuel Slater]

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Doubt 4.

From uncertainty of interest.

I question still mine interest in God,
And cannot call him Father. Mine abode
Is yet in darkness, I want light to read
Mine Evidences by. Oh! could I feed
My joys with full assurance; did I know
That God is reconciled, Christ did do
And suffer all for me, I soon would chase
All sorrow hence, and with a smiling face
Look on my dearest Lord: nothing should hinder,
His love should be the spark, my heart like tinder
Should quickly kindle, and be all in flame
With love and praises to his holy name.
Thrice happy Paul could say Christ dy'd for him,
Which fill'd his soul with joy up to the brim.
Did I know that, my comforts would run o're;
I'd sit and sing, but sigh and sob no more.


Dost thou desire to know it? Look within.
Is no discov'ry made? then look agen.
Beg light from Heaven when 'tis dark below;
Thou shalt know, if thou follow on to know.
Christ dy'd for all in whom he lives, make out
His living in thee, and thou needst not doubt.
If thou canst say, O Lord, my heart is thine;
Thou well maist say, O Lord, thy death is mine.
He enters no House, but he sprinkles first
The Door-posts of it with that blood which burst
Out of his precious side. That sincere love,
Which glows within thy breast, came from above,
And is a sweet reflection of that fire
And purer flame in him, and doth aspire
To its own Element; 'twill carry thee
To that blest place, where is no room for me.
Cease groundless fears, God will not him deny
That saith, Lord give me Christ, or else I dye.
Deal faithfully in thine own case, and own
With thankfulness what God for thee hath done.
Thou canst not choose but say, many a time
Christ hath himself shewn willing to be thine.
Thou dost accept him, dost not? Then all's done,
The match is made, and Jesus is thine own.
God saith, wilt have my Son? thou say'st, yea Lord,
Be it to me according to thy word;
His Love and Law also, both I would have,
His Peace without his Grace I do not crave.


I am as willing he in me should reign,
As that by him I happiness may gain.
Let this be thy return, for so shall he
Fill thee with grace, and Heaven with such as thee.