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[The tow'ring self-sufficient Mind]

The tow'ring self-sufficient Mind
Hastily leaves the World behind;
Like Icarus, does soar too high,
Too near the melting Heat does fly:
It tempts the Dangers it should shun,
And by Presumption is undone:
While such as with a prudent Care,
By small Essays for Flight prepare;
Who raise themselves by slow Degrees,
First only perch upon the Trees,
Or on the Summit of some Hill,
E're they their great Designs fulfil,
There prune their Wings, and thence with Fear
Explore the dusky Atmosphere;
Which having done, they higher rise,
And trembling mount the upper Skies:
Then, more embolden'd, take their Way
Thro' purest Air to brightest Day,
May roam at large in Fields of Light,
And safely leave both Earth and Night.