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The Jacobite Conventicle

A Poem [by Richard Ames]

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But now the Priest was to Pulpit gone,
At least to what might pass for one;
After a short Prayer, not forgetting
Of King and Queen, to mind his Knitting,
Who with a Zeal most mighty Fervent,
Were thought of by their suffering Servant;
Remembring likewise most Devoutly,
To Pray for Mother Church most stoutly,
The Church of England, which they fancy,
None out of their Communion can see;
The Church opprest, distrest and warried,
And in a sence Spiritually carried
Captive away, whilst its Adorners
Are forc'd to Preach and Pray in Corners.
This done, and th' Audience composing
Themselves for Hearing, or for Dozing;
To a Bible of Geneva size,
Himself Devoutly Priest applies,


And from a thousand various Texts,
This part of Scripture strait Selects.