University of Virginia Library

The .c.xlvii. psalme.

[How good it is to praise the lord]

Laudate dominum.

How good it is to praise the lord
no tongue can it expresse
A ioyfull and a pleasaunt thinge
the lordes praise is doutles

The lord doth buylde Ierusalem
So that it shall remayne
And the out castes of Israell
he bryngethe home agayne
The lord doth heale, the contrytt hatt
and medecyne doth hym gyue
And in his sycknes, thus sayth he,
thou shalt not dye, but lyue
The sterrys also he dothe number
and callyth them by name,
And euerye one in order due,
doth ansuer to the same
Great is our god, & eke his power
hys wysdome hath no ende,
He settyth vp the meke in hart,
the wyckyde do contende,
O synge vnto the lord our god,
a songe of thanckfulnes
Synge prayse vpon the tunyd harpe
hys goodnes to expresse

For he doth hyde ye heuens with cloudes
that no man may it se
And doth prepare the rayne for earth
to water the plant and tre.
And on the hylles that be so hye
he maketh grasse to growe
And al is for the vse of man
such kyndenes he dothe showe
And eyke the bestes, that be in feilde
he helpeth, them at nede
And the yonge rauyns, that call on hym
he doth them al wayes fede
As in the strengthe of horsys great
the lord hath no delyght
Nor neyther in the legges of men
that be so full of myght
The lordes delyght, is in those men,
that feare, and do hym serue,
And they whyche put their trust in hym,
for mercye shal not sterue

Ierusalem, Ierusalem
praise thou the lorde aboue,
And thou Syon do not forget
his mercy and his loue.
For he hath fortified thy gates
With barres that be ryght suer
And he in the hath blest thy sede
for euer to endure:
And in thy borders, he hath set
peace in euery place,
Wyth grayne and corne he hath the fild
of him thou founde suche grace.
He sendeth furth his holy worde
the worlde to runne aboute,
That euery mā myght know his power
and therin haue no dout
He gyueth snowe whyter then woll
as we oftene do se.
And skatereth the hory frostes
lyste ashes made of tree.

He casteth forth his yse abrode
Whose colde no man maye byde
Againe his worde sone doth them melte
throughout the worlde so wyde
To Iacob then the lorde dydde shewe
hys worde both pure and right
And Israel his ordynaunce
to kepe both day and nyght
He hath not delt with any lande
suche kyndnes for to shew
Neither his wordes nor yet his lawes
the he then doth not knowe.
Praise we the father, &c.