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The poems of William of Shoreham

... Re-edited from the unique manuscript in the British Museum by M. Konrath

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(I. 5) [D]E uncione extrema.


Sacrement of an-Eliing
Nou her ich wolle telle,
Þat man uangeþ wane he ne wenþ
No lenge he myȝte dwelle
A lyue;
Þe bodyes euel þat libbe mey,
And sone, hit mey to-dryue.



Many for de-faute deiþe
Of þer anelyynge;
And ȝyf hys saule after hys deþe
Soffrey harde pynynge
In fere,
So scholde hy nauȝt, hedde he ihed
Ryȝt elyynge here.


For seint iames, in hys bok,
Wysseþ wyd gode mende
Þat, ȝyf eny by-falþe ryȝt syke,
Þe prest he scholde of-sende
To hys ende;
And he schel elye hym wyþ ele,
Hys sauement to wynne.


Seynt iame seyþe þat orysoun
Of þer holy by-leue
Of hijs siknesse helþe wynþe,
Þat no fend schal reue
Þe helþe;
And ȝef þat he ine sennys be,
For-ȝeue hys him þat felþe.


Þys his, broþer, and gret confort
For for-ȝetene sennes,
Þat oure foman aredy haueþ
Aȝeynys þat we goþ hennes,
Ac ȝef we aryȝt anelede beþ,
Hyȝt gayneþ ham wel lyte.


Ac þanne hys man aryȝt aneled,
Wanne he myd wyl hyt takeþ,


Myd by-leue of deuocioun,
And repentaunce makeþ
So digne;
And ȝyf he hyt oþere wyse fangeþ,
Ne takeþ ha bote þe syngne.


For þe sygne of þys sacrement
Þe elyyng ys boute;
Þat þyngge hys alleggaunce of euel,
To lyf ȝef he schel loute;
And hennes
Þaȝ he wende, þat þyng is eke
Alleggaunce of hys sennes.


And ȝet me schal anelye a man,
Þaȝ þat he lese hys speche;
For wet he þencheþ in hys mod
Ne may ous no man teche;
Ac stronge
He mot habbe deuocioun,
Þet schel a-ryȝt hyt fonge.


Þer-fore þis children eleþ me nauȝt,
Ne forþe none wode,
For hy ne conne mende haue
Of þilke holy gode;
Ac fonge
Þe wode mey þat sacrement,
Wane reles comeþ amonge.


A prest mot do þys sacrement,
For-why hyȝt hys wel werþe;
And þat seyde seynt Iames wel,
Þer-wyle he ȝede an erþe;
Ȝe hit hedde


Þo ich a lite her a-boue
Þes holye wordes redde.


Þe matyre of þis sacrement
Hys ryȝt þe oylle allone;
And wanne þe bisschop blesseþ hyt,
Baume ne me[n]gþ he none
For baume tokneþ lyues loos,
Oyle, mercy to wynne.


For wanne man deiþ, he let his lyf
Þer þe god los by-houeþ;
Ac senne, ȝef he farþe aryȝt,
To bi-reusy he proueþ;
To oure lorde
Mercy he cryþ, and biddeþ hym
Mercy and misericorde.


Þe wordes þat þer beþ ised,
Hyt beþ wordes of sealþe,
For hy biddeþ þe sike man
Of alle his sennes helþe;
In mende
Þer-to me an-eleþ þe wyttes fyȝf,
And feȝet, and breste, and lenden.


And for þe lecherye syȝt
In lenden of þe manne,
And, ase þe bok ous seyþ, hy sit
Inne nauele of þe wymman[e]:
To hele,
Me schel þe mannes lenden anelye,
Þe nauele of þe femele.



Þys beþ þe wordes wane me aneleþ:—
“By þisse an-eliinge,
And be hijs milse, for-ȝyue þe god
Al þine senneȝynge
Mid eyen”;
And so he seyþ be al hys lymes
Þat scholle þe oyle dreȝen.


Caracter, þet is prente ycliped,
Nys non of eliinge,
Ne furþ of penaunce ne þe mo,
Nof housel, nof spousynge,
In þede;
For man ofter þane ones takeþ
Þe sacremens for nede.