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The Lay Folks' Catechism, or the English and Latin versions of Archbishop Thoresby's Instruction for the People

Together with a Wycliffite adaptation of the same, and the corresponding canons of the council of Lambeth. With introduction, notes, glossary, and index, by the late Thomas Frederick Simmons ... and Henry Edward Nolloth

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for knowing þat þey hadde of god almyȝthy ;
þey hadde yt of goddys gyfte at þare begynnynge
withowte travayl or tray or passynge of tyme.
And al þe knawynge þat we haue in þis werld of hym
ys of herynge and larnynge. and wyssynge of othyr.
of þe lawe and þe lore þat longys at holy chyrche.
þe whyche alle creaturis þat loue god almyȝty
owe to knowe and lede here lyf þeraftyr.
and so come to þat blys þat neuer schal haue ende.
and for þat now mekyl folk in this world.
ys not wel lernyd to knowe god almyȝty.