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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Lucas: Vnde ascendit Ioseph a Nazareth in Bethleem.

Then for Ioseph comen was
of kyng Dauid by lynee,
from Naȝareth his way he mas
to Bethleem his chef cite,
fforto knowlech in that cas
that to Rome buxum was he,
and with hym Marie his wif he tas,
for bihynde hym miȝt ho not be,


Sithen þat ho was with child tho,
with Goddes sone to saue monkynde,
bout hir thider wold he not go,
And in þat plite leue hir bihynde,

Eutropius in cronicis suis.

but sett hir on an asse onon.
And an ox with hym toke he
to selle & to lif þeropon
quyl þai duellide in that cite,
And also tribute forto pay
of that he shuld take for that best,
for simple & pore both wer thay,
ffor God wold liȝt þer pride wer lest.
Qven þei to Bethleem comen wer,
As frer Bertilmewe beris witnes,
Sum of þe peple made gode cher,
And sum mournyng & tristes.
But quat it signifiet, thurgh praier
of blesset Marie, expovnet it wes
to hir thurȝe an angel cler,
as I shal showe ȝou her expres.
The folk, he saide, that wer likyng,
Wer sich as hopide after hele,
And of hor bale to hafe botenyng
thurȝe Abraham, nys not to concele,
And thurgh þe sede of hym con spryng,
to wyn agayn þat worthlie wele
that Adam lost from his ofspryng,
As God heȝt bifore ȝeris fele,
And al-thagh þai ne knewen noȝt
that God come þer so hastylie,
Ȝett likyng stroke into hor thoȝt
At comyng of Crist kyndely.


the peple that so mournyng was,
were Iewes that shuld descriet be
and repreuet for hor trespas,
that hor saluacioun couth not se.
ffor then sceptre bigan to cees
from iche braunche of Iudas kynde,
for verray prince to wyn vs pes
was comen al of þat self strynde.
this word þen fulfillid was
that Iacob saide in prophecie;
that sceptre from his son Iudas
shuld neuer be raft kyndom to gye,
til he wer comen þat shuld be sent
ffro heuen to erth mon to forbye,
And after hym with trewe entent
the peple shulde wait & ȝorne aspie.

Genesis vltimo: Non auferetur sceptrum de Iuda & dux de femore eius, donec veniat qui mittendus est, & ipse erit expectacio gencium.

Quen þat Ioseph & Marie
to Bethleem thus comen wer,
ffor thai wer pore & al nedie,
herber myȝt thai non com ner
fforto leng in honestly,
ffor taken was ich hous & maner
to lordes & men that wer myȝty,
That non myȝt thay get þer ne her.
But a hous woghles þer was,
that sett was negh þe heȝe-way,
bitwene two houses hylyng it has,
but side al opone, soth to say,
In quich hous men of that cite
haden hor speche in wederes wete,
vplondisch men þer, als rede we,
ther setten hor horses in þat strete,


Therfore a crach þer maket was
for esement to toun comyng.
And thider Ioseph in þat cas
Mary & bestis both con bryng,
And to þe crach both ox & asse
he teȝet, & so wer þer lengyng,
and þat niȝt in þat simple plas
ber Marie Crist our heuen kyng.

Hec in Historiis Scolasticis.

Qven Ihesu born was, be ȝe bold,
Marie maiden þat hym ber
was nobot fourtene ȝer old,
the emperour two & fourty ȝer
Of his regnyng, as I er told,
the eȝt kalende of Ianuer
And on a Sononday our Lord wold
be born, as he was bout wer.
But one thyng now is gode to showe.
As I shal tell apertely,
quat time þat ȝe moun fully knowe
Crist was born of maiden Mary.
This ȝe shal vnderstonde I-wys,
that bifore þat Crist was born,
the nyȝt was taken not amys
after þe day & noȝt biforn,
But after þat Ihesu Crist born was,
the nyȝt has ay ben set bifore,
ffor nyȝt to day turnet he has,
that mon bicome to saue our sore,
Thesternes in-to gret liȝt,
longyng into gret likyng.
therfore I may say by riȝt,
And therof make no lesyng,


That on a Sononday at nyȝt
born was Ihesu heuen kyng,
ffor nyȝt bifore þe day was pyȝt
that time & þen so bigynnyng.