University of Virginia Library

[To thé, Lord! I calle and cry]

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine! Domine, exaudi vocem meam.

To thé, Lord! I calle and cry,
Fro the depe dale of sorow [and woo:]
Here my vöys gracyously,
And schelde me fro [my feerfull foo.]
I preye for me and many moe
That ben in peyne, and mowe [not fflee:]
To dredefull dome whan we should goe,
‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

Fiant aures tue intendentes, in vocem deprecacionis mee.

Bowe thin erys hyderward,
And here my prayerys, whan I have nede.
Of mercy thou were nevere so hard,
Thi grace thou woldyst never man forbede,


That wolde be sory of his mysdede;
Thi mercy is redyere than he.
Hym thar no more but speke, and spede,
Of ‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine! Domine, quis sustinebit?

Zyf thou woldyst vengĕ thé anon,
Whan we have synned, and no thyng spare;
Oure lyif in erthe schulde sone be gon,
Oure merthe schulde turne to sorwe and care;
Thi ryȝtwysnes wolde us furfare;
We durst noȝt byde, we myȝte noȝt fle.
Thanne schuldĕ many on bé ful bare
Of ‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

Quia apud te propiciacio est: et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine!

A law of mercy thou hast gyven,
To hym that wyll no synnĕs hyde,
But clenly to a preest be schryven,
And leve rebellyoun and his pryde.
Thi mercy is bothe long and wyde:
Ther of alle men han gret plenté,
That wyll noȝt lese, ne caste asyde,
‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: speravit anima mea in Domino.


I am in hope of thi beheste,
Thi woordys fully I beleve,—
That thou wylt save bothe most and leste,
That wylfully thé wyl noȝt greve.
There is no man that may myscheve,
Whyll thou of mercy art so fre;
With sorwefull herte ȝyf he wyll meve,
‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

A custodia matutina, usque ad noctem: speret Israel in Domino.

I trustĕ fully thou wylt me kepe
Fro all myscheef, bothe day and nyȝt.
Wher so evere I wake or slepe,
Wyth me is evere an aungyl bryȝt:
Thowȝ he apere noȝt to my syȝt,
Ful tendyrly he kepyth me;
He steryth myn herte, with al his myȝt,
To ‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’

Quia apud Dominum misericordia: et copiosa apud eum redempcio.

Thou art mercyfull and pyteuous,
Zyf we oure lyvyng will amende;
Oure raumsoun is ful copyous,
For thou art redy thi grace to sende.
But, ȝyf we wille oure synne defende,
And dyspyse thi lawe and thé;
Thanne mustĕ ryȝtwysnesse suspende
‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’


Et ipse redimet Israel, ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus.

Lord! ful bytterly thou hast bouȝt
Wrecchyd mannĕs forfeture.
Whan he was lost, thou hast hym souȝt;
Thi lyif thou potyst in aventure.
There myȝte no porĕ creäture,
Whan we were thrallĕ, make us fre;
For on owre syde was no recure,
But ‘Ne reminiscaris, Domine!’