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The seuin Seages

Translatit out of prois in Scottis meter be Iohne Rolland in Dalkeith, with ane Moralitie efter euerie Doctouris Tale, and siclike efter the Emprice Tale, togidder with ane louing and laude to euerie Doctour efter his awin Tale, & ane Exclamation and outcrying vpon the Empreouris wife efter hir fals contrusit Tale ... Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Geo. F. Black

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We may persaue na Empreour
Nor King suld wirk at thair plesour.
Without ane gude counsall,
Gude counsall is the Procurour
For to set fordwart gude laubour
And perrellis dois expell.
This Empreour he wald do nocht
Quhill his Lordis was befoir him brocht
And sa thay war richt sone,
At thame his counsall than he socht,
And thay him schew thair mynde and thocht
Quhat best was to be done.
In ane voce thay concludit thair
That he suld put his Sone to lair
With Cunning men of wit,


Becaus the Counsall did it declair
Incontinent but ony mair
Fra hand fulfillit it.
For as the Mother did prouyde,
The Father on that vther syde
For the Sone did foirse,
Fra purpois wald na langer byde
Bot to the Doctouris in that tyde
His Sone delyuerit he.
Thocht all thir Seuin had Science sene,
Ȝe may persaue that thay haue bene
Of thair awin Fantasie,
All cassin into curage clene
Ilk ane vther to prouene
And purches Dignitie.
Ilk ane thay tuke ane diuers dait,
And promeist be thair awin consait
Mair large nor thay wald do,
Quhilk was far by thair awin Estait
For to pretend to gang the gait
That thay culd not cum to.
Bot the Empreour tuke weill in heid.
He thocht he wald not tak the feid
Of all, and pleis bot ane.
For that he fand ane gude remeid
For the haill seuin without mair pleid
The Childe hes with thame tane.