University of Virginia Library

The eyghth Psalme.

O prince all-puysant, ô King al-mightyly ruling,
How wōdrous be thy works, & how strange are thy proceedings?
Thou hast thy greate name with most greate glory reposed
Ouer, aboue those Lamps, bright-burning Lamps of Olympus,
Eu'n very babes, yong babes, yong sucking babes thy triumphant
Might set foorth; to the shame of them which iniury offer,
Eu'n to the shame of them which damned blasphemy vtter.
When that I looke to the skies, and lyft myne eyes to the heauens,
Skies thyne owne hand-work, and heauens fram'd by thy fingers;
When that I see this Sunne, that makes my sight to be seeing,
And that Moone, her light, light half-darck, dayly renuing,
Sunne dayes-eye shynyng, Moone nights-light chereful apearing,
When that I see sweete Starres through Christal skies to be sprinckled,
Some to the first spheare fixt, some here and there to be wandryng,
And yet a constant course with due reuolution endyng.
Then doe I thinck, ô Lord, what a thing is man, what a wonder?
O what a thing is man, whom thou soe greatly regardest?
Or what a thing's mankynde, which thou soe charyly tendrest?
Thou hast man, this man, this blest man mightyly framed,
And with aboundant grace, with aboundant dignyty crowned,
Not much inferior to thy sweete cælestial Angells.
Thou hast giu'n hym right and iurisdiction ouer
All thy wondrous woorkes, thou hast made hym to be mayster,
Hym chiefe mayster on earth, right Lord, and absolut owner
Of beast, sowle, and fishe on th'earth, ayre, water abyding.
O prince all-puysant, ô King al-mightyly ruling,
How wondrous be thy woorks, and how strange are thy proceedings?