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Mirrovr of new reformation

wherein reformers, by their owne acknowledgement, are represented ad viuum. The beauty also of their handy-worke is displayed

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VII. The fruits of Reformation.

Protestants tel vs that before the light
Of their new Ghospel men

When we were seduced by the Pope, (saith Luther) euerie man did willingly follow good workes; and now euerie man neither saith, nor knoweth anie thing, but how to get al to himself by exactiōs, pillage, theft, lying, vsurie &c. Luth. Dom. 26. post Trin. See M. Stubbes motiue to good works. p. 44. 45.

were more vpright,


Of better life, more truly vertuous,

Certainly to speake the truth, there is many times found cōscionabler & plainer dealing amōgst most of the Papists, then among manie Protestants: and if we looke narrowly to the Ages past, we shal find more godlines, deuotion, and zeale (though blind) more loue one towards another, more fidelitie and faithfulnes euerie way in them, then is now to be found is vs. M. Stubbes motiue, p. 43.

real, faithful, and Religious,

And eu'ry way more giuen

Is it not a shame vnto vs that our forefathers liuing in time of superstition &c. should notwithstanding so farre passe vs in good works, as that we may not once be cōpared to them in any measure? M. Stubb. ib. p. 72.

without compare

To al good workes, then in their Church they are.
For now, (say they) such as haue late embrace't
Our Reformation doe repaire more fast

See before at 1.

theft, exactions, lying, vsury,


Another sort of Germans giue indeed place to God's word, that it may be preacht, but there is not found among them anie amendmēt of life, but horrible Epicurisme, and a beastlie life in their behauiour, drunken assemblies, lustful desires &c. in lieu of fasts they giue themselues night and day to riotous banquets and continual drinking. Iac. And. ad c. 21. Luc. See also Melancth. ad c. 6. Matth.

in drinking,

What eye so blind, that it doth not gush out with teares to behold the miserie of our supposed glorious Church? I meane the great ignorance, the superficial worship of God, the fearful blasphemies & swearings in houses & streets &c. the dishonour of Superiours, the pride, crueltie, fornication, adulteries, drunkennesse, coueteousnes, vsuries & other like abominations &c. O behold & pittie the woeful and lamentable state of our Church in these things! See this in M. Powels book of things indifferent, p. 136. See likewise next before at 5.

swearing, gluttony,

And such foule vices as from hence proceed,
Then did the former t'any vertuous deed.
So that (thus stil themselues goe on) who would

If anie be desirous to see a great rable of knaues, of persons turbulēt, deceitful, coseners, vsurers, let him goe to anie cittie where the Ghospel is purely preached, & he shal find them there by multitudes. For it is more manifest then the day-light, that there were neuer among the Ethnicks, Turkes, & other Infidels, more vnbridled & vnruly persōs, with whō al vertue & honestie is quite extinct, then are amōg the professours of the Ghospel. Andr. Masc. domin. 1. Adu. See him also l. de prophet, Christi. and sym. Paulus in serm. dom. 13. post Trin. See hereafter at 17.

rable of cheating, factious knaues behold,

Let them but vnto any Citty goe
Possessed by Reformers, it wil shew
Whole shoales of such; yea Pagans, Iewes, and Turkes,
With other Infidels doe better workes,
Detest sinne more, shew greater honesty,
Are farre more patient and lesse proud then wee.
In lieu of fasts wee

See before at 5.

haunt excessiue feasts

Drink healths to make our selues and others beasts,

See before at 7. and see likewise Sylu. Czecanonius de corruptis moribus, and Wygandus de bon. & mal. Germani.

marriage-beds, haunt stewes, and for our prayer

In eu'ry place we curse,

Prayers they turne into swearing &c. and al this manner of life they tearme the ordinance of the Ghospel. Iac. Andr. Conc. 4. in c 2 Luc. See before at 6.

blaspheme, and sweare.

Our children they grow

The children of them of the reformed Ghospel grow euerie day worse, more vntractable, and dare commit such crimes as euen the able men of former times were scarce subiect vnto. Io. Wygand. l. de bon. & mal. Germ.

worse, and dare such crimes

As were scarce knowne to men of former times.
Our Preachers labours, which should be assign'd
Only to truth, are

If you cast your eyes vpon Protestant Doctours, you shal find that some of them moued through vaine glorie, enuious zeale, and a preiudicate opinion, disorder the true doctrine, disperse and earnestly defend the false. Some of them without cause stirre vp contentions, & with inconsiderate spight defēd them: manie wrest their doctrine euerie way, of purpose to please the Princes and people, by whose grace and fauour they are maintained. There are more, who with their euil and wicked life ouerthrow al that which by their true doctrine they had formerly built. Paul. Ebec prefat. comm. Philippi in epist. ad Corinth.

guided with the wind

Of popular applause, attended stil
With hate and enuy: their malicious wil
N'er giues them rest, but makes them seek out wayes
How they debates and causelesse iarres may rayse.
In their disputes they

See next hereafter at VIII. throughout.

wrest, peruert, and lye,

Oppresse the truth, and from the point stil flye.
Many besides are

There are found no smal number of the Ministers of the Word, who are flatterers &c. Io. Wygand. de bon. & mal. Germ.

flat'rers, and beleeue


[illeg.] please the

See before at 12.

Prince or country where they liue.

[illeg.] more with their vile wicked life doe shame
Their Ghospels doctrine and themselues defame.
So that we see, since we reiected Rome
The world doth dayly worse and

It is a wonderful thing and ful of scandal, that from the time in which the pure doctrine of the Ghospel was first recalled to light, the world should dayly grow worse. Luth. Ser. conuiu. Germ. f. 55. See him also in postil. sup. Euan. dom. 1. Aduent.

worse become:


I may freely speake what I haue seen in the course of some trauels, and obseruation of some courses, that in Flanders was neuer more drunkennesse, in Italy more wantonnesse, in Iury more hypocrisy, in Turky more impiety, in Tartary more iniquity, then is practized generally in England, particularly in London, al this is seen &c. M. Rich. Ieffrey serm. at Paules crosse. Octob. 7. an. 1604. and printed an 1605. p. 31. See before at 7.

n'ere in Flanders was more drunk'nes seen,

Th'Italians euer haue lesse wanton been,
In Iury n'ere was more hypocrisy,
Turky is freer from impiety,
And Tartary lesse wicked is then those,
Who euen in England now Rom's Church oppose,
Al this themselues affirme, this few deny;
T’weer not good manners here to say they lye.