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Satirycall dialogve

or a sharplye-invectiue conference, betweene Allexander the great, and that truelye woman-hater Diogynes [by William Goddard]

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Oh (sisters) knowe you, to my ravisht sight
My loue with's amber locks appeard laste night
Bold boie boldlie hee came as feard of naught,
Shewing in what schoole hee his skill was taught
Scarce speaking ought at all: yf ought twas this
Where's my Gerle? smothring that too with a kisse
Nor with this kissing spent hee all the night
Tutt (girles) our pastime yeelded more delight
I dreamt it did doe soe, for you must knowe
J did but onelie dreame, it did doe soe:
To loues embracementes, wee (me thought) fell then
But loues sweete game is coldlie chaste by men.
Yet our sex, workes loues labor, eu'rye daie
With mindes, as willing, as men goe to plaie
J girles J girles, J speakt in heate of bloude
Men too too soone are ty'rd, with doying good
But oh deare girlis (such is our sexes kind)
One man maie please vs all, except our mind
For yf one man content one woman cann
Then, why should it not be this youthfull man?
His vaines were full, soe stronge a backhee had
As Herculis to him was but a ladd
Yf youth and strength 'tis, quencheth womans fire
Then 'twas in him, as much as Jde desire
But 'tis not Oceans of that liquid stuff
Which lyes in youthfulst men that is enough
To quench the mindes outragious frying flame;
For that once ty'nd age onely dampes the same
Manie a woman' till shee hath tr'yd twoo
Distasteth all, hir firste sweetehart doth doe
From whence praie comss that Luste, that sowre-sweet smart?
Oh th' ead of that same springes, a divelish harte.
But whether from my text am J uowe fled
My dreame was this, J loste my maydenhead

To that let me retourne: oh tis delight
Unto vs maides, to think but on that night.
Him t'weene my armes one while J did infold
Another while, he me, 'tweene his would hold.
Entwindinge leggs (me thought) with me he laie
While J, withs curled locks, did sporte and plaie
Soe longe plaide we as sisters well J wisse
Our sportes extended further then to kisse
Soe longe J kiste, soe longe on's looks J fedd
As sure in dreame I loste my maydenhead.
But (sisters) was it in my pow're to choose
Then such a losse J d'e eu'ry mynute loose
For when we maydes doe lose our mayden treasure
Oh by that losse we wynn a world of pleasure
Fayth Girles, Maydes cannot think what sweet delight
Two louers take which warr in loues feirce fight:
To them loath som's the daie, ouer the night
But nowe I sighe, nowe doe I greiue to thinke
That, that night my eye-lides did euer wynke
For when J wakt (oh dreames! oh dreames y'are theeues
And mist my loue, Judge then (girles) of my greeues
Oh had J had tenn worldes J would haue than
Gev'n all those worldes (sweete girles) for halfs a man
Men stuffs their chestes as full as they can hold
With cramb'd-trust bagges of aungell-winged gold:
But what to doe? for sooth to by this land:
Oh would I had that dust of Tagus strand
Ide not buy land or howses with it: J
For other merchandize Jde make it flie:
Had J such laden truncks this Ide doe than
For enry night ith' yeare Ide buy a man
For, sisters, J maie speake to you my mind
When J awakt, and lookt my loue to find
Feeling for's neck to claspe that neck of his
For's ruddy lipp, hoping that lipp to kisse
For's wanton legg, for myne with that t'yntwind
And sisters for ------ oh girles you knowe my mind
When for these louelie thinges I searcht to see

But could not find, where those sweet things might be
With bitter passion, I burst out and cryd
Wishinge, with in my mothers wombe Jd'e dy'd
Oh sisters! oh sweete sisters, then did I
Wishe, fatall Death attache me instauntlie.
Nowe did J stare aboute; nowe did I call
But when noe aunswere J could heare at all
Up in my smock J rose and searcht each place
(Oh girles extreames our sex in loues sweete case)
Groping behind eache trunck, feeling vnder bedd
Me thought for him which had my maydenhead
And oft Ide crye sweete wagg, thy selfe disclose
For Jv'e another maydenhead to loose
But when noe answere J could heare, oh then
Weeping, I sigh'd and went to bedd agen
Wher'e one while tumbling that waie; other this:
Nowe should I sighe; nowe my poore pillowe kisse
Entwinding it betweene my armes embrace
Jde hugg't as yf my deare duck were in place
Fayning (in that my frying passions flame)
I hottlie chaste loues sweetst, delightfull game
But when J found my sence deluded soe
My passions heate, to coldnes then did growe
For myssing him J grewe more cold then stone;
Oh't paynes my heart to telt; come lett's be gone.
Soe vp they rose, but er'e they went I rusht
From where J stood, at which the wantons blusht.
Nowe sir I hope you see what modest chatt
Young maydes will haue when by themselues theire gott.
Graues swallowe them: were all dead I'de be gladd
The best of wiues, or maides, are worse then badd.