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Piety, and Poesy

Contracted, In a Poetick Miscellanie of Sacred Poems. By Tho: Jordan

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On Lot's Wife looking back to Sodom.
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On Lot's Wife looking back to Sodom.

Could not the Angels charge (weak woman) turn
Thy longing Eyes from seeing Sodom burn?
What Consolation couldst thou think to see
In Punishments that were as due to thee?
For 'tis without dispute, thy onely Sin
Had made thee One, had not thy Husband been
His Righteousness preserv'd thee, who went on
Without desire to see Confusion
Rain on the wretched Citizens, but joy'd
That God decreed Thou shouldst not be destroy'd,
Nor thy two Daughters, who did likewise flie
The flaming Plague, without casting an Eye
Towards the burning Towers, what urg'd thee then
Since they went on, so to look back agen?
But God whose Mercy would not let his Ire
Punish thy Crime, as it did theirs, in fire;
With his divine Compunction did consent
At once to give thee Death and Monument:
Where I perceive engraved on thy stone
Are lines that tend to Exhortation:
Which that by thy Offence, I may take heed,
I shall (with sacred application) Read.