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A Hyve Fvll of Hunnye

Contayning the Firste Booke of Moses, called Genesis. Tvrned into English Meetre, by VViliam Hunnis

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Cap. 1.

The Contents of the First Chapter.

How Heauen & Earth, the Light & Skye
The Sunne & Moone & Starres so hye,
How Beastes & Fowles, how Fishe & Man,
Created was of God, and whan.

The VVorke of the first Daye.


When God, which no beginninge had,
The Heauē and Earth gan frame,
And voyde and empty it behelde,
With darkenesse on the same:


And on ye Waters which hee made,
that then aloft did stand,
And ouerwhelme the Earth so farre,
as yet appear'de no Lande:


Then at his worde, there Light came foorth,
deuided from the Shade:
And so the Eueninge and the Morne,
by him one Day was made.

The worke of the Second Daye.


The Firmament he fram'de and fixte
Betwene the Waters so,


As part aboue the same did rest,
the other part belowe.


And gaue a Name thereto, and sayd,
it Heauen shall called bee:
The Eueninge, and the Morninge eke
the second Day you see.

The worke of the Third Day.


The third Day at his holy hest,
the Waters vnderneth
Compelled were together goe,
in one place of the Earth.


And then the Land appeared dry,
which Earth was called tho,
And bade it should bringe foorth greene herbe,
engendringe seede to groe:


And fruictfull Trees, of sundry sortes,
that seede might still retayne,
And bringe foorth fruicte, each after kinde
that on the Earth remayne.


Thus euery thinge so came to passe,
as God before did say:
The Earth brought Herbe and Tree with fruict,
that still ingender may.

The worke of the Fourth Day.


And that there shoulde a diffrence bee
betwene the Dayes, and Nightes,
God bade that in the Firmament,
there should bee placed Lightes:



Which should remayne from time to tyme
appoyncted Signes to bee:
As Day from Day, and Yeare from Yeare,
in order as wee see:


The Sunne, hee made the Day to rule,
The Moone, the Night to guide:
And shininge Starres in Heauen hee set
whose light doth aye abyde.

The worke of the Fifte Day.


This Mighty Maker then gan saye,
let waters nowe forth bring.
Such Creatures as with life may moue,
and Fowle to flye with Winge.


Upon the Earth, and in the Face
of Heauen or Starry Skye,
Straight way, both Fishe, and Fowle was made,
in kinde to multiplye.


God blessed both, and bade them growe,
the Fishe the Sea to fill:
And feathered Fowle vpon the Earth,
their kinde encreasinge still.

The worke of the Sixte Daye.


Now let the Earth, bringe foorth (sayd God)
each liuinge thinge by kinde:
As Cattell, Beast, and worme that creepes,
his power the same assign'de.


Thus when God sawe his handy worke
was good, and pleas'de him well:
Let vs make Man like vs, sayd hee,
the rest of all t'excel:



To haue the Rule of Fishe, of Foule,
of Catell, and the Earth,
And euery creeping thinge on ground
that lyues and draweth breathe.


And in the Image of him selfe
did God Create him than,
Both Male, and Female, form'd hee them,
but first he made the Man:


And blessed them, the Earth to fill,
their Sex still to renewe:
And gaue them power vpon the Earth.
the same for to subdewe:


And sayde, beholde, I haue you geuen
of euery herbe to eate:
And euery Tree, wherein is fruicte,
likewise to be your Meate:


Also to euery Beaste on Earth
and euery Birde that flies:
And creepinge Worme, greene Herbe shall haue,
to feede vpon likewise.


All what hee sayd, so came to passe,
and he the same did see
Ech kinde of thinge which hee had made.
was good so for to bee.