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Thalia Rediviva

The Pass-times and Diversions of a Countrey-muse, In Choice Poems on several Occasions. With Some Learned Remains of the Eminent Eugenius Philalethes. Never made Publick till now [by Henry Vaughan]

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[Tell me no more that Nature is severe]

Tell me no more that Nature is severe
Thou great Philosopher!
Lo she has laid her vast Exchequer here.
Tell me no more that she has sent
So much already she is spent;
Here is a vast America behind
Which none but the great Silurist could find.
Nature her last edition was the best,
As big, as rich as all the rest
So will we here admit
Another world of Wit.
No rude or savage fancy here shall stay
The travailing Reader in his way,
But every coast is clear: go where he will
Vertu's the road Thalia leads him still:
Long may she live, and wreath thy sacred head
For this her happy resurrection from the dead.