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Descripcio Anglie.
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Descripcio Anglie.

& somersete þat to welles þulke time drouȝ
& nou it is þe bissopriche of baþe ȝe weteþ wel inoȝ
Ȝvt adde þe king of west sex al deuenessire iwis
& cornewaille þat in þe bissopriche of eccestre is
Þe king of kent was þo louerd of al þe lond of kent
Þat were tvo bissopriches & ȝvt nis it noȝt ivent
Þe bissopriche of kanterbury þat of engelond is hext
& þe bissopriche of roucestre þat in þe west side is next


Þe king of estangle king was of norþfolc
Þe bissopriche of norþwik & al so of souþfolc
& þe bissopriche of ely þat þe yle of ely is
& of grantebrugge ssire þat þer to valþ iwis
Þe kyng of norþhomberlond was king ich vnder stonde
Of al þe lond bi ȝonde homber anon in to scotlonde
Alle þes kinges were þo ac bote on nov þer nis
Vor þe king of westsex alle þe oþere wan iwis
& was suþþe al one kyng as oure kyng nov is
Her after in þis boce me ssal ihere al þis
In þe contrey of kanterbury mest plente of fiss is
& mest chas a boute salesbury of wilde bestes iwis
At londone ssipes mest & win at winchestre
At herevorde ssep & orf & frut at wircestre
Sope aboute couentre & ire at gloucestre
Metal as led and tyn in þe contreie of eccestre


Euerwik of fairest wode lincolne of feirest meN
Grantebrigge & hontendone mest plente of dep ven
Ely of fairest place of fairest siȝt roucestre
Evene est aien france stont þe contrei of cicestre
Norwich aien denemarch chestre aȝen irlonde
Duram aȝen norþwey as ich vnder stonde