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VIII. Ane Ansr maid to ye Sklanderaris yt blasphemis ye Regent and ye rest of ye Lordis.
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VIII. Ane Ansr maid to ye Sklanderaris yt blasphemis ye Regent and ye rest of ye Lordis.

Reingat rapfow! thocht þow raif,
Skorner of poitis and sklanderus knaif!
Quhat sayis thow bot we knaw or sell?
In spyte of the and all þe laif
The bastard bairne sall beir þe bell.
Ouþer thow art ane papist loun,
Hepburne, or Hoitbag Hamiltoun:
Gif þai be þa thow callis þi prence,
War ȝor richt reknit to þe croun
It myt be laid with litill menss.
Blasphemus baird and beggeris get!
The regentis self hes nocht forȝet
How gude King Williā wes ane bastard,
And þow nocht bot ane carlinge pett,
Ane daft fule or ane drukin dastard.
And, forthermoir, gif þow wald flyte,
Be weill avisit quhome þow bakbyte,


Recant and sweir þow said it nocht,
ffor he sall prosper in dispyte
Off þe and þame þat wald it not.
Revoik þi wyndie worde vane;
Ȝe knew mair quhē ye king wes slane;
Spit out and speik mair and ȝe pleis;
Wist I quhome wt to flyte agane,
The mater sould be war to meiss.
To flyt wt þe and fyle my lippis,
The sone, þe mone sould haif þe clippis:
for all þi quentance with þe quene
Thay hound þe to þe hangmāis grippis,
Quhair mony better man hes bene.
Sweingeor, cum, sweir þe saikles sone,
Deny þe evill þat þow hes done
Againis þe man þat maid na falt:
Allege, Lunatyke, to þe mone,
Or þan abone ane mask of malt.
Euir þe mair þow wald be trowit,
The les þi lounrie Is allowit;
Returnand to þi turpitude
Thow sould haif waige, durst þow avow It,
The gallowis, for þi gratitude.
Maist like, sum myllare of ane myll
had maid þe mater of þe bill,
Ouþer sum cuike or keching clerke:
be doand, fule-face! flite þi fill!
Men may nocht ding all dogge þat barke.
Palȝart! war nocht or faith defendit,
Oure cōmoun weill and knaifrie endit,


Than þow myt writte in gennerall:
All detours ar bot discommendit,
That speike dispite in speciall.
In fechting, mā, þow maid þi vant
þat þow sould sla þe Innocent
But caus, or cryme of ony querrell,
Bot, knew I the, þow sould recant,
Or þan thy pallat ly in perrell.
Luik þe first letter of euerie werss,
Hangman! gif þow can reherss,
Mark weill my name & set ane day:
In fechting war þow neuir so ferss,
Thow salbe marrowit and I may.
ffinis, quod Maddie, gar mak þe boun To all þe papistis of þis toun.
Robert Symple ys the dooer hereoff. Note by Sir William Drury.
An answer to þe Bills sett upp against the Regēt of Scotl.