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A fig for Momus

Containing Pleasant varietie, included in Satyres, Eclogues, and Epistles, by T. L. [i.e. Thomas Lodge]

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To happie Menalcus.

Eglogue. 2.

Philides. Eglon.
What wrong, or discontent, old Eglon hath with-held
Thine honorable age from gouerning the state?
Why liu'st thou thus apart, whose wisdome wont to shield
Our kingdome from the stormes of foes, and home-bred hate.

Ah Philides, the tast of trouble I haue felt,
Mine actions misconceau'd, my zeale esteem'd impure,
My policie deceite, (where faithfullie I delt)
These wrongs, (all vndeseru'd) haue made me liue obscure:
Besides, my youthfull yeares now cancel'd by mine age,
(The verie Inne of griefes, of sicknes, and of cares,)
Time bids me now prepare, with death some warre to wage
And thinke vpon mine end, and shun these worldlie snares:
And time it is (God wot) when age hath got the start,
To flie from publique noyse, and brawles of iudgement seate,
For now my wits waxe weake, and scarce yeeld vse of art,
My limmes are stiffe and starke, my pulses faintly beate.
And this late-purchas'd age, (besides all other paines)
Is subiect to contempts, accus'd of auarice,
And youth, with selfe conceit, hath so bewitcht his braines,
As he esteemeth yeares, wits chiefest preiudice.

Can men so farre forget the reuerence and awe,
They should in iustice, yeeld to siluer-suted haires?
Is duetie so despis'd, (enioyn'd by natures lawe)
That youth impugneth age, in mannaging affaires?
Then worse then Ethnicks farre, may Christians be esteem'd,
For both among the Greeks and Romanes, I haue red,
Such honors giuen to eld, that nothing happie seem'd
Wherein their counsell mist, and wisedome had not led:
In Solons happie lawes, in olde Licurgus schooles,
In Numas sage decrees, and graue Prometheus books,
Amercements were set downe for such misgouern'd fooles,
As did maligne at eld, and loath their reuerent looks:
For where they first ordain'd, the Gods should be ador'd,
Next, that the silly poore, should want no due reliefe,
They lastlie, did command the yonger to afford
All honour vnto age, and still to hould them chiefe:
The Romane Senate wont, in giuing dignities
To take respect of yeares, of iudgement, and discretion,
The Lacedemon state, in all their souerainties,
Did yeeld their publique charge, to aged mens possession:
Taught by these flouring states, by men so fortunate,
(As reading what they did, our mindes are stir'd to follow)
I wonder that our world, should so degenerate,
From perfect policie, and carrie harts so hollow?

Ah Philides, forbeare to wonder at the time,
There must be some contempt, before a plague succeede:
I see great stormes at hand, and sigh to see them clime,
Whose fall I might bewaile, before it come indeede.

But let all reasons passe, of enuie, and disgrace,
Sufficient to with-draw, a man from common weale,
Not these alone procure, me leaue mine honored place
But this, because tis time with state no more to deale:
The houre prefixt is come, the reuolution fixt,
Wherein I must, and will, giue ouer gouernement;
Taught by those happie men, whose weale, with sorrow mixt,
Did make them leaue the world, which danger doth present:
Oh when I sadlie thinke of olde Lucullus wit,
Who hauing fortune thrall, and fame attending him,
Thought good to leaue the world, when he had conquer'd it,
And rather cease in time, then sincke, in hope to swim:
I cannot chuse but smile, because by like aduise
I flie from froward hate, (as olde Metellus did)
And leaue vngratefull men, (as erst did Scipio wise)
Deeming it happines in priuate to be hid:
Had Cicero forethought, how sweet this course had beene
When he had master'd fame, and conquer'd Cateline,
His Tusculanum then, he had more often seene,
And left vngratfull Rome, before he did decline:
But hope of further fame, so fondlie him besotted,
That wrastling with lewd chance, at last he caught the fall,
And where he presuppos'd, true fame was him allotted,
There lost he his desire, his fortunes, life, and all:
His lessons make me wise; these warnings are mine armes;
Wherewith I conquer chance, and false Rhamnusias traines,
And now deere Philides, my mind no trouble farmes,
And great content is bought, with little thirst of gaines.

Thy reasons haue their waight, and so haue wonne my hart,
As I will leaue the world, and come and liue with thee:

So doing thou art wise, who from the world doth part,
Begins to trauell on to true felicitie.