University of Virginia Library


[Thus died the Prince of life, thus he]

He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed, Isa. 53.5.


Thus died the Prince of life, thus he
That could not die, even died for me.
My thoughtful heart, Lord! shall arise,
And ponder these deep mysteries.


What means his death, who knew no sin?
Or what my life, who live therein?
Mine was the debt, and death my due,
Though thou wast pleas'd thy Son to sue.


Thou Lord! wast pleas'd on him to lay
The debt, and he the price to pay.
Thy Gospell feasts, though sweet to me,
Are th' Emblems of his Agony.


And oh! how great his sufferings were;
Who th' wrath of God, and man did bear.
The Father then forsakes the Son;
And Creatures 'gainst their Maker run.



Judas betraies, Disciples flee;
Whil'st Jews, and Romans crucifie.
Hereat the Sun furls up his light,
And cloaths the Earth in sable night.


The joyless Stars even seem'd to say,
Israel had quench'd the Lamp of day.
The stubbourn Mountains they lament,
The Rocks they are asunder rent,


The Graves their sealed doors unclose,
The Dead awakened also rose.
Th' amaz'd Centurion mourning cries,
Oh! 'tis the Son of God, that dies.


Thus these all labour to confess
Thy Deity, thy righteousness.
Enough dear Lord! these offer me
Supports for th' utmost faith in thee.