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Philo to Philemon.

Non Vltra.

Each day and houre (my friend) that shines on thee
Esteeme it as thy Liues Epitome;
Nor need I by a Precept further show it,
Since 'tis so well aduis'd vs by the Poet:
“'Mongst hopes, cares, feares, and all the griefes thou hast,
“Imagine euery day to bee thy last:
So shall the sight of each approaching Day
Summon thee hence that thou may hast away:
Meane while contend in vertue and in grace,
Hastning to th'end of this thy Pilgrims race,
This Weauers Shuttle, Grasse, Post, Shadow, Span,
So short's the course, so small's the time of Man.