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Favnvs and Melliflora

Or, The Original of our English Satyres. [by] Iohn Weeuer

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To the true fauorite of Heroicall Poetry M. Thomas Bromley of Deerefolde, Esquire.

Sith that the Author, and the Authors pen,
At thy command are both as much as mine,
Thou maist demand, and iustly wonder then,
Aboue all other, why this booke is thine?
Or why this Poem, to a Poet send I,
Whose quicke inuention, iudgement, learning, wit,
Wilsoone perceiue, and see wherein offend I:
And where I might more scholler-like haue writ.
The Sunne guides altogether, yet alone
And singular the seate is of the Sunne:
To celebrate, and praise, all is not one,
I striue to stirre, before I stirre to runne:
And Melliflora (for the name) is meete
For thee, whose pen is slower and honnie sweete.
I. W.