University of Virginia Library

To a Reprobate Pirat that hath renounced Christ and is turn'd Turke.

Thou wicked lumpe of onely sin, and shame,
(Renouncing Christian faith & Christian name)
A villaine, worse then he that Christ betray'd,
His Maister, for Gods Son, he ne're denay'd,
But did confesse him Iust and Innocent,
When with his bribe backe to the Priests he went.
Thou that art worse then deuils, they confest
Christ was the Son of God, thou Hellish Beast,
That hast liu'd cursed Theife vpon the Seas,
And now a Turke on shore dost take thine ease,
Like a deuouring monster in a den,
All that thou hast, being spoyles of other men.
Thou that doest serue both Turke, and deuill so well,
Thou seek'st to draw (as they doe) soules to Hell,
Hauing a garment ready in thy hall,
For him that next from Christian Faith doth fall,
Receiue this warning from thy natiue Land;
Gods fearefull Iudgements (villaine) are at hand.
Deuils attend, Hell fier is prepar'd:
Perpetuall flames is reprobates Re-ward.