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Just at that instant came, the house-maid
Alarm'd by hearing such strange noise made,
Mistook the thing she saw for robber,
And was afraid he might play hob with her;
She scream'd aloud, up came the mistress,
To learn the occasion of the distress,
She join'd the scream, next came the host,
To see if 'twas a rat or ghost....
The wight began to claw his breech,
And make apologizing speech....
I am, said he, an assemblyman,
Who to this upper story ran....
Assemblyman! the life of Pharaoh,
You are from the wheel barrow,
Do not I hear the chains rattle,
That usually are ty'd to cattle?
With that he knock'd him down with bludgeon,
And drew him from his airy lodging,


And on the lower floor put question,
Has he a party colour'd vest on,
Or is his head shav'd? at this crisis,
Said one examine what his phiz is.
The wight was known, a senator!
No room to doubt it, or demur.
But now distinguish'd clear as day-light,
They wash'd his face and gave him eye-light:
And the domestics over-joy'd
Convey'd him to the house of Boyd.