University of Virginia Library


See the bold genius, with seraphic views,
Imagination's soaring powers unloose,
With joy the vast of nature to explore,
And in strict limits acquiesce no more!
Now with raised efforts he pervades the skies
Sees worlds revolve, and distant planets rise;
And, wrapped in contemplation's joyous maze,
Feels all the ardour of angelic praise.


Still where's the genius that can fully scan
Wisdom's all perfect and harmonious plan!
What being less than infinite can trace,
The GREAT FIRST CAUSE, or find an end to space!
Through boundless realms of ether systems roll,
Kept in due order by divine control.
In beauteous order they revolve their spheres;
Where the SUPREME in wonderous light appears.
All nature's works in high perfection shine,
Develope wonders, and bespeak design,
Display consummate power, unrivalled skill,
And prove the glories of the sovereign will.
The mind, enkindled at the glowing fire
Of dawing science, waking to inspire
Its infant efforts, warm endeavour opes,
Stretches its genius, brightens into hopes;


And, as its struggling powers enlightened grow,
The more attained, the more it sees to know.
Something still pleasing in the wide expanse,
Ever disclosing, further we advance,
Becomes the object of our next desire;
And though we zealously to that aspire;
Though all we view before us is obtained,
Something is wanting that must still be gained.
Although unbounded knowledge we comprise,
Desires innumerable still arise.
Wishing to satisfy we still pursue;
The more we learn, the further from our view.
How many in the mental field have toiled!
Some have instructed, others have beguiled;
Some taught the beauties of redeeming love,
Others the fantasies of fabled Jove;


Some how gay Iris paints her varied bow,
And how old ocean and the tides o'erflow;
How rivulets in circling eddies run;
How planetary spheres revolve the sun;
How fire electric pierces through our frame,
And how man's actions merit praise or blame.
Many there are who study, some who preach,
Too few who practice; yet they all must teach.
Some take erroneous reason for their guide,
Deceive the head, and store the heart with pride.
Others, with efforts warm, improve the mind,
Acquire discernment, and become refined.
Still, without practice, learning is but vain
When joined with wisdom it is sterling gain.