University of Virginia Library



[Addressed to certain philanthropic Peoples, to whom the injunction, “first cast the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye”—is the deadest of dead letters.]

Ye righteous Nations, whose thank-worthy aim
Doth comprehend all Evil, Error, Sin,
Save only that which festers foul within
Your own corrupted bosoms; who would claim
The loftiest seat, the most unspotted fame,
In that Ye weep and groan for other's crime,
Doling dull lamentations out of time
With truth and reason, have Ye done with SHAME!
Shame for the ruthless lust which builds its power
High on the ruin of brave human hearts,
Deputing Famine for the People's dower,
The Hulks for those who do not own its sweets;
Sleek merchant-Monarchs, bartering in your marts,
Gaunt Madness muttering Treason in your streets!