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Christmas Carol.

O'er the deep and boundless space,
Live leaps the message long,
Till zephyr's mute and trembling tongue
Vibrates a Christmas song.
Her sweet and trembling notes rebound
From heavens sacret throne:
Her echoes spread the world around
And make the Christmas known.
Yet, every gentle breeze that blows
Is music's sweetest note,
From zephr's trembling tongue sent forth
To countries far remote.
She sits upon the passing year
And chants a merry rhyme
And tells us of a Savior dear
Who came at Christmas time.
And e'en the leafless trees among,
Resounds her trembling voice—
No music sweeter could be sung—
And Nature does rejoice.
The clouds she drives around the sphere,
Their peaks with luster glow,
And from their vapored eyes the tear
Enshrouds the earth with snow.
But with the snow her musics come,
The sleigh bells gentle chime,
“Wake up”! the whistling wind doth hum,
“Rejoice! tis Christmas time.”


“Rejoice ye mortals here on esrth,
The year is passing by,
And chant the new year's happy birth
While fleet the moments fly.”
Ah list the whistling winds that sigh,
And church bells as they chime,
Look up toward the smiling sky,
Thank God, tis Christmas time.