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'Favorable Climate'

"The U.S. has to try to
create a more favorable climate
in foreign markets and also try
to get reinvestment of the
dollar back into this country,"
he said.

He speculated that "we
may even have to consider selling
some of our monetized gold."

He stressed America's duty
to "defend the free world" and
to try to understand that less
democratic countries are not
competent of
self-determination or self
government. He said they "are
not aggressive and we must
support them."

"Politically immature
people can't establish and
function in a democratic
system as the U. S. does – we
can't expect it," he said.

When asked if he would
support former Treasury
Secretary John Connally as a
Republican and as a
Presidential candidate, the
Senator lightly passed off the
request by saying, "If I
answered that question, I'd be
one of the dumbest politicians
I know."