University of Virginia Library

Peer Group Basis

Of the institutions named by the
Appropriations Committee Chairman,
only UNC is actually a "peer" institution.
The current University budget was
advanced on the basis of this same peer
group and was at a 96 per cent level for
the 1970-72 biennium.

In fact, when one differentiates
between average faculty compensation
(state salary plus fringe benefits) and
average salary (state salary alone), the
University's salary averages were below
UNC, University of Texas, Rice, and

"The only way we were able to be
competitive with UNC and others in total
compensation." Mr. Shannon said as he
reviewed the budget for the House
Appropriations Committee and the
Senate Finance Committee Feb. 9, "was
by using our private funds to provide
fringe benefits that are so important to
attracting and holding a faculty of the
highest quality."