University of Virginia Library

Social Meeting

In late August, after the investigation had
begun, Mr. Schorr met Mr. Malek at a dinner
party. Mr. Schorr then asked about the job he
was supposedly being considered for.

Mr. Malek responded to this question with
complete surprise, according to Mr. Schorr. Mr.
Malek also promised to check into the matter
and call him, which he never did, Mr. Schorr

The same White House official stated that
the investigation was ended when it was
concluded that Mr. Schorr was not the right
man because of "reasons with respect to him
and the position for which he was being
considered." The official refused to name the

Evidently the immediate cause of the
investigation was Mr. Schorr's criticism on
national television of a Nixon speech. The
speech was delivered to the Knights of
Columbus in New York.

Recently Mr. Schorr and the White House
have been in conflict over Mr. Schorr's
reporting of the wage-price freeze and Phase II
of President Nixon's economic program.