University of Virginia Library

Not Tolerated

Chris Kerr, representative from the College
said that he thought it necessary "to state as
emphatically and dramatically as possible that
certain things will not be tolerated."

The Council recessed briefly, during which
time a declaration was drawn up. The question
was called immediately without debate and the
statement was approved with three abstentions.
The declaration reads as follows:

"We the Student Council, as representatives
of all students, express our deep revulsion and
disgust with the racist behavior of certain
members of the University community which
occurred this past weekend as well as the
fundamentally racist nature of the University of

"We cannot condone in any way these
conditions. Therefore, we commit ourselves
both as individuals and as a group to do
everything within our power to make all
members of the University welcome. In
pursuing this goal, we will explore every
potential source of pressure at our disposal to
bring about the equality which has so long been
missing from this institution."

Two incidents which occurred during the
weekend, the waving of the Confederate flag
during the football game and the expelling of
several black students from a party at the
Kappa Sigma fraternity, were specifically
discussed. Mr. Ivey commented that with the
waving of the flag, "a great disservice was done
to all black students as well as to the players on
the field."

The Council approved a motion which
voiced support of the policy recently issued by
the Student Affairs Office. The ruling will ban
all flags or pennants at University Athletic
events. It will be enforced by the Security
Guards responsible for checking tickets and
student identification cards at the gates.

If a student should bring a flag into the
stadium, he will be asked by a student usher to
put it away. If he does not comply, he will be
asked again by a representative of the Student
Affairs Office. In any case, a student who
brings a flag into a sporting event will
automatically be tried by the Judiciary