University of Virginia Library

Appeals For Money

Other student organizations appealing for
more money were the Black Students for
freedom who asked for an extra $200 and got
it. The Virginia Journal of International Law
was not given extra money. The Law School
Admission Council was allocated $1,200.

Chip Grange representing Madison Hall
made a plea for $2.200 and received the
allotment. The Spectator, a literary magazine,
appealed for funds, however. Council refused to
appropriate any money. The Virginia Law
Weekly was also snubbed by Council. WUVA
was given an extra $800 to aid in the building
of a new transmitter.

All allocations made Tuesday night may be
appealed to the Student Activities Committee
no later than one week from today. Anyone
who is a member of the University community
may make an appeal whether or not he is a
member of the organization moved.