University of Virginia Library

Growth Report Endorsed

In other business, Phil Chabot asked for
Council endorsement for the proposals of
Council's Special Committee on Growth.
Council voted to approve the proposals which
Mr. Chabot, chairman of the committee, called
a "step-by-step response to the problems."

Council also discussed the referendum item
being proposed by the New Constitution Party.
Although the question is being entered as a
referendum, Mr. Mannix and several other
Council members stated that according to the
present constitution the proposal would have to
be approved as a constitutional amendment in
order to be implemented. Daniel Meador and
Carl McFarland, two professors of
Constitutional Law who were consulted by
Council representatives, reportedly agreed that
a two-thirds vote, the amount required for an
amendment, would be needed to implement the
new constitution. A referendum requires only a
simple majority of those votes cast.